The Girl With All The Gifts (2016) – usa/uk

The Girl With All The Gifts – ⭐⭐⭐

The world has been exposed to a fungus that has turned most people in to “zombies”. One girl is different and can control her need to feed on humans.

Good movie. The fungus storyline is interesting but I like the idea of the stereotypical zombie movies.

3/5 stars

The Black Devil and the White Prince (2015) – japan

The Black Devil and the White Prince – ⭐⭐⭐

This school drama follows a girl who is torn between two dorm heads. One is harsh and treats her as his slave and the other is sweet and treats her like a princess.

Good film though I caught my mind wandering as it didn’t seem to hold my attention. Had some cute moments to it too.

3/5 stars

Nana (2005) – japan

Nana – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Two girls named Nana have their lives changed by one another after a series of events bring them together. Both are very different but an unbreakable friendship between them is formed.

One of my favourites! It brings back memories for me as the first time I saw it was a screening at an anime convention I went to and I fell in love with it. Based off a manga and anime, this is the live action version. Imagery and music are amazing and so worth the watch.

5/5 stars

Hidden Figures (2016) – usa

Hidden Figures – ⭐⭐⭐⭐

A movie about 3 brilliant African – American women who worked at NASA and were responsible for the mathematics needed for space travel. Follow these women as they deal with obstacles dealing with their race and gender and over come them to make history.

Loved this movie. Truly worth the watch. Heart warming story based on true events.

4/5 stars